Tuesday 27 May 2014

Finding My Way Back to The Internet

Soo... Peeps it has been a couple of weeks since i have spoken on here. The only reason i can give you is that i lost my way in life and was digging a hole in the ground that i didnt think i could get out of, but the hole is starting to get smaller and i am managing to find my way out. 

I have made a lot of changes in my life that are meant to be for the better. I have been cleaning the house i live in and im trying to keep it in tip top condition, Also i have literally gotten too fat for my jeans so i have put myself on a sort of a diet? I saw this idea on Clothesencounters so i thought i would try it out. I have chosen to take a picture of everything i eat in an attempt to get my eating habits under control. The angle that i am coming from is that if i take a pic of ALL the food i eat and drink then I will concisely think or look to see if i have had it in a while, Plus because i am taking pics of everything i will want it to look prettier and more appeasing for me.

Here are my Rule for my new eating habits! 
  • One jug of tea in the morning and night.
  • Orange Juice during the day.
  • Chocolate once a week.
  • Lower my portion sizes
  • Take a pic of everything i Eat and Drink.
That is all, Wish me luck... Again! :) Xx